Jon Zimdars
Full Stack Software Developer
Recent Projects
Job Searching Website
Javascript, Express, React, Axios, Nextjs, PostgreSQL, Prisma
- Created front and back end systems to allow job seekers to upload and edit existing resumes for applications.
- Developed a scheduling system that allows employers to schedule meetings with applicants.
- Connected scheduling system to a calendar system, allowing users to see meeting details and create private events.
E-Commerce Website
Postgres, NGINX, AWS, Node, Sequelize
- Created a dynamic product overview utilizing React, allowing for users to view various project styles in a carasoul, see relavent quantity and sale information, and checkout.
- Transferred all data from a legacy system to a new Postgres database, allowing for significantly faster query times at 2ms.
- Deployed 8 endpoints with NGINX load balancer, allowing for an efficent data stream from the front-end to the back-end.
Fog of the Dead
First Person Zombie Web Game
Javascript, Express, React, Axios, Three.js
- Deployed a first person shooting game, allowing players to look around and shoot within a 3D envrinment.
- Created a back end scoring system, keeping track of the highest scores across all players.
- Created an enemny tracking system allowing for various enemy types, models, and 3D animations with GLTF Loader.
I decided to become a software engineer after years of troubleshooting and configuring software through AGILE methodologies at Epic Systems. I enjoyed breaking down components into their most basic parts and creating a strategy to effectively resolve issues. While doing this I developed the desire to fix issues at their core while creating reusable tools that can be accessed throughout the software.
To progress as of software engineer, I enrolled in Hack Reactor's rigorous 13 week immersive program. During this time, I spent over 1000 hours learning technologies and tools to build out full stack applications. I utilized Javascript, Express, Postgres, MongoDB and a variety of other tools while working in teams to complete projects within strict deliverable timelines.
I am now pursuing a career in full-stack software development, where I hope to obtain my goal of creating efficient software that offers clean and concise functionality for users.